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There are alot of Animals...Cat's,Dog's,Bird's, out there. That have learned to type,Well this is the place to do it say hi... Buddy

A little bit of me==Buddy

My photo
This is my e-mail: Buddythedoxie@aol.com Thanks for your time... LUCY I am a 14 year old doxie (birthday july 4th) that has learned to type hope you will like me as much as my brother who went over the rainbow a few years back miss you Buddy R.I.P. My humone that help's me do this..... I call him "Pal" well Lucy pass on and this blog ie mine....Name is: Spunky am a 5 yeas long hair Doxie have a brother Rocko .....

"Pal's Wife"

"Pal's Wife"
I miss her sooo much she used to let me and my mom sit on her lap, this pic is of her,she jumped when I got in the truck....


Saturday, December 22, 2012


       Hi all:
 How you been? Fine I hope,been doing ok as of late,I am getting old so I sleep alote,my sister she is always running around looking for food,she is always hungry.

     "Pal" he been having back problems with his back ..... We don't go walkin to much,but we do get out in the truck.
      Christmas is just around the corner,I am askin for a new BOBO so I can destuff it,my sister want's a new blanket the one is gettin old & holly.

      He is in McDonald's on my laptop,he better be getting me some F.Fry's,I want a hamburger,the F.Fry"s give me gas & "Pal" makes me sleep on the floor,it's not to bad,right after he fall's asleep I jump up & cral under the planket's

      Well am out of hear for tonight...night night all


1 comment:

Snaggle Tooth said...

I hope you n Lucy got the Bobo n Blankie! Sorry to hear Pals back is bad again- I remember the old days when it bugged him alot too- the cold doesn't help. Rhuematiz jus settin' in!
Hope it was good! Glard you found your way back to post again!

**** D E N N I S *****

**** D E N N I S *****
This is a very good hooman friend that went to heaven...He is having a birthday on July 3 it will be a year,I do miss him as he let me in his home. I was the only dog in that house for 8-9 year's, He is still mised by my "Pal".... R.I.P. Dennis

"Pal's" Friend......

"Pal's" Friend......


********** THE KISS **********
She is pregnant;
he had just saved her from a fire in her house, rescuing her by carrying her out of the house into her front yard, while he continued to fight the fire.
When he finally got done putting the fire out, he sat down to catch his breath and rest.
A photographer from the Charlotte , North Carolina newspaper, noticed her in the distance looking at the fireman.
He saw her walking straight toward the fireman and wondered what she was going to do.
As he raised his camera, she came up to the tired man who had saved her life and the lives of her babies and kissed him just as the photographer snapped this photograph.
The KissAnd people say animals are dumb

Buddy's old post's


If it is a lap,all lap's are mine.
If I like it, it's mine.
If it's in my mouth, it's mine & all hooman lef-overs,go in my dish.
If I can take it from you, it's mine.
If I had it a little while ago, it's mine.
If it's mine, it must never appear to be yours in any way.
If I'm chewing something up like bones,Bobo's any stuffey,all the pieces are mine.
If it just looks like mine, it's mine.
If I saw it first, it's mine.
If you are playing with something and you drop it, it automatically becomes mine.
If it is on my side of the room,It's mine.
If it's broken, it's ALL yours.(Well maby,I'll have to think on that one.)
If I can think of some more I'll put them in...


Pledge to Fight Animal Cruelty

Waiting for treets

Waiting for treets
yep this is my truck & hear's the treets.

W I L D T U R K Y . . . . .

W I L D  T U R K Y . . . . .
RUNNING AROUND THE AREA down at B E A C H , (I lived hear 64 year's and never seen one in that area.)

me in yard wondering if "pal" is going to take me with him in the truck....

me in yard wondering if "pal" is going to take  me with him in the truck....
Yep hear he comes....


Richard Monteiro 53 of Wareham,Ma was hit while he was riding his bicyclie,He was working at Friendley's and used to give me treets I will miss him so...My prayers go out to his family. "God bless" Buddy & my family

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Hope you like this that I put togeather...Buddy

F.F. visit to me..

***** My OSKER R.I.P 2008 *****

***** My OSKER   R.I.P 2008 *****

Me sniffing out supper

Me sniffing out supper
It's me looking in the yard for bagger's


This is a personal, non-commercial blog. You will not find Web Ads (If you do E-MAIL me at Buddythedoxie@aol.com.)
These posts are the sole words and opinions of "ME" (Buddythedoxie.) The photo's and images are the property of "ME" Which means I took them...(Well 99% of them) L.O.L.